UNIQUA is an Universal Quantum Network, an electronic-photonic-gravitonic system, where the highest performance concentrated gravitons form a gravitonic beam or GASER, used for communication, computation, energy and transportation above the speed of light. A photonic solenoid/toroid and laser photon split entanglement can generate a beam from orbiting gravitons with quasi-instantaneous speed. Spiral Electron releases Photon that travels to center black hole of galaxy in 26k light years, 2.5M light years to Andromeda, nearest galaxy. Spiral Photon can release orbiting Graviton perpendicularly, to/across black hole to Andromeda probably under days. Solaser, Solar Laser Network at La Grange Points, relative stable points to satellite/star/planet, create laser triangulation, L-Triangle-Laser-Gaser, with Graviton-Entangled-Photons allowing Faster-Than-Light gravitonic superluminal communication.
Dark energy-matter as well as space-time are arbitrary exotic concepts that differ from the quantum wave-article model. If there are protons, neutrons, electrons and photons by quantum conceptual logic, then space-time is a wave-particle field of gravitons and Dark energy is gravitons in relative motion with kinetic energy and dark matter is gravitons in relative static state. The highest speed in the universe is that of the graviton, much higher than light, quasi-instantaneous, as demonstrated in quantum entanglement experiments and in the Uniqua superluminal communication application from Sandaero Aerosystems to be used by the Solar Federation in the occupation of the solar system with real time Earth human-controlled Abots, robotic Avatars.
Light-speed laser communication is delayed by minutes, limiting real time intra-stellar Venus/Mars remote controlled bots for example. Laser split entangles photons with gravitons allowing quasi-instant communication +3 billion km/sec. Gravitons orbit photons and space-time is mainly of field of gravitons. Collapse/movement of an entangled photon can be recorded quasi-instantaneously and translated to a binary code 0/1 for example, generating communication. That information does not have to be communicated by observer by under light speed communication, because the change is the quasi-instantaneous communication.
Gravitons orbit photons, mainly forming space-time field, smallest significant quantum of matter- energy. Entangled photons,
are connected by orbiting-field chain Gravitons, first bumps last in-between energy-matter space-time, generating quasi-instantaneous matter-energy-communication.
If a laser is split, the photons on both parallel beams will be entangled. If one of the photons is knocked out with another perpendicular laser, that will be identified on the corresponding photon at the other beam quasi-instantaneously, because they are connected by a field of stable matter-gravitons and/or by relative moving energy-gravitons. That change could be identified as a 1. If nothing changes on the next photon, that will be identified as 0. Therefore it is possible to have a binary communication via quantum entangled photon-graviton faster than the speed of light. There is no need to control or measure the photon to then communicate to the other side, only if there was change or no change on the other side. It is a beam of photons, a continuous sequence of entangled photons, so each photon will send only one bit of information, but the continuous sequence will send continuous bits, allowing continues faster-than-light communication, that could suffer interference. However if the communication beam is protected by a laser pipe surrounding it, interference would be avoided and if there are two or more communication beams instead of one, the communication would be at least double checked by the beams, avoiding interference errors of photons in the beam or any quantum of energy-matter outside the beam.
QC, Quantum Computer, is a new gravitonic-photonic-electric quantic paradigm of computation, allowing Universal Quantum Network (UNIQUA) communication and computation, using gravitons, photons and electrons as information carriers; linear optical elements including beam splitters, phase shifters and mirrors to process quantum information; detectors/memories to identify/store quantum information. As laser from Venus is split to Earth/Mars entangling photons by orbiting gravitons in a space field of gravitons, every time unit photon that is not changed is coded as 0, changed as 1, generating quasi-instantaneous digital-information graviton-photon network/computer. An Avatarbot on Venus or Mars could be remote-controlled in real-time from Earth with a 360 screen interface collected by 360 cameras on Venus/Mars. Gravitonic, photonic and electric quantum nano/micro/macro processors can create "qubits" of beam split photons entangled by gravitons, that could be encoded/read by thermal/optical/electrical devices, for micro-macro, atomic-cosmic Universal Quantum Network computation and communication above the speed of light. Entangled electron/photon/gravitons can have multinary states as opposed to just binary states.
Current (2000-2020) mainstream Quantum Computers are going from bits (2 states 1,0) to trits (or so called "Qbits" with 3 states: 0,1,01/superposition) in a very complicated/barrier of entry architecture. However Uniqua QC electronic-photonic-gravitonic communication-computing can use 4 states, tetrits expressed as 0,1,01,10 or 0,1,2,3,4, since 2 entangled photons can be knocked out by 1 or 4 possible perpendicular photonic beams/lasers, quasi-instantly transmitted to the other entangled photon as 4 possible movements, left, right, top, bottom, generating 4 possible states for computation. Gravitons affect photons that affect electrons that affect matter-energy or analogical/mechanical output quasi-instantaneously. Sandaero Uniqua communication/computing is faster/higher than any in existence or in development by current (2000-2020) mainstream industry.
QN, Quantum Nanoscope and QRI, Quantum Ressonance Imaging, is a gravitonic sub-photonic quantum nanoscope, for nano-micro-macro bio imaging with better resolution than a photonic optical microscope or a MRI, Magnetic (photonic) Ressonance Imaging or than X-ray. Photons/electrons can image/destroy cells, organelles, membranes, tissue, molecules, but gravitons have the highest potential neutral resolution. Laser split photons can surround the imaging medium while the photons are entangled by gravitons running through it, producing a disturbance in the graviton field contrasted with the free graviton field. A photonic solenoid and/or a toroid configuration can produce concentrated field powerfull gravitonic beam (gaser).
SANDAERONET/SOLASER/UNIQUA are gravitonic-photonic-electronic systems of communication, energy and transportation above/at/below the speed of light. Sandaeroprint creates Sandaerobots that offer robotic remote Human control in real time with Solaser/Uniqua. Sandaerospace offers Artificial Gravity by rotation centrifugal force but with partial imbalance for lateral movement, that can be improved w/ gravity solenoid cylinder, GRASC.
GRASC, Gravity Solenoid Cylinder, has a photonic/electric solenoid that can combine gravitonic, photonic (magnetic) and molecular (air) pressure to an individual/object (magnetized suit/pad), against a surface surrounded by a pressurized cylinder containing a solenoid wall. Can improve centrifugal gravity imbalance w/ vertical solenoid cylinders spinning from central axis, at end of spinning wheel or in horizontal cylinder.
Mega planetary/lunar Grasc can be used to create gravity/atmosphere on Moon and Mars ice poles for example, generating also light from the optic photonic solenoid, magnetic shield from the electric copper solenoid and heat/pressure/humidity from vapor and air produced from water electrolysis, plus an external nitrogen source. Hydrogen/vapor can also be used to fill Sandaeroblocks to sustain and envelope Grasc.
If a Laser beam is split and sent to different locations, as 1/2 to Earth and 1/2 to Moon, Venus or Mars, theoretical and empirical evidence shows that the photons of separated beams will remain entangled by orbiting gravitons, at faster than light speed, allowing the basic process for real time quasi-instantaneous interplanetary communication, for example with a Human robot remote controlled from Earth. Quasi-instantaneous photon/electron "entanglement" and "tunneling" experiments proves gravitonic speed above the speed of light, with applications giving potential access of the multiverse to humanity. Photon entanglement, solenoid and/or toroid can generate a gravitonic beam of Graviton particles moving at quasi-instantaneous faster-than-light speed.
A gravitonic beam, a Gaser when concentrated, can in theory be produced from a solenoid/toroid photonic Laser beam (or optic fiber photonic beam), just like an electric solenoid/toroid will generate a photonic beam, a Laser when concentrated. Laser Pressure over a photonic material as a mirror can generate photonic speed, just like Gaser pressure, over gravitonic material, as a dense plasma, can in theory generate gravitonic speed propulsion, above the speed of light.
A Gaser from a gravitonic spiral beam, spiraling from one direction to over a dense plasma, can generate a nuclear spiral erosion, that can generate a black hole, that will allow tunneling through space (1st, 2nd, 3rd dimensions) and time (4th dimension), in a 5th dimension (worm hole) to reach anywhere on this or other Universes, of our probable Multiverse (many Universes). Graviton in relative movement has kinetic energy that is the so called "dark energy" and relative stationary gravitons are the so called "dark matter".
Sandaerograv/Sandaerolaser Solaser-Uniqua has theoretically achieved quantum supremacy as agreed by microsoft-openAI co-pilot-chat-GPT AI as it was logically changed-trained to understand inter-planetary superluminal gravitonic communication-computation. Laserpipe, circle of lasers, with split lasers inside sent from Venus to Earth and Mars in Solaser network, has photons entangled by gravitons. Errors are reduced by the laserpipe and by redundancy, many signals multi checked. Top, front, bottom perpendicular laser hit or not the split laser generating codes 0,1,2,3 a quadrinary-quantum system, received/verified on Earth and Mars(or Venus) quasi instantaneous, faster than light, with quantum supremacy achieved by trillion+ quantum redundancy. Sandaero Abots, Avatar robot, can be controlled in real time from Earth.
Universal Quantum Network
GRASC: Gravity Solenoid Cylinder
QC: Quantum Computing
UNIQUA: Universal Quantum Network
QC: Quantum Computer
QN: Quantum Nanoscope