SANDAQUASHIP is an aquatic ship made of electronic magnetic/vacuum/latch connection pile-up of carbon modules with all side slide doors. Sandaquaships combine Sandaeroblocks 1/2/3, Sandaeroships and Sandaeronets. Crew on mobile crane/transport/command Sandaerohips cabled to Sandaeroblocks when not in transport/crane use to provide extra energy and propulsion from the air to ship. They are fully energy autonomous, running on bio-solar-wind energy produced on site (electric motor powered by generator powered by solar panels/film, wind turbines, methane produced by waste biodigestor and biodiesel produced by algae tanks). Assembled directly with modular coupling. Sandaquaeroship is a hybrid aqua-aero vehicle using aquasolar electrolysis for H2/H2O ballast/buoyancy (Sandaeroship 2) or Sandaquaerospace (Sandaeroship 1). Sandaquaterra amphibian (Sandaerocar). 4D HAI self-driven mono/multi modular. Sandaquaeroterra combines with Sandaerodrone and/or Sandaerocar (or higher cost/performance Sandaeroship) to be able to aero-aqua-terra unload/load door-to-door cargo/passengers with/without crane/port/canal.
SANDAQUATRAIN is a Sandaquahip connected to electric-traction cables between Sandaerowaves solar- wind- wave energy towers or under Sandaerobridges. Oceanic Aero/Aqua-Train cabled solar-wind-wave towers, allow also electric new/conversion ships to zero fuel and Hbat H2O/H2 battery with lite modular pressurized composite containers.
ASHIP is a Sandaerocar Acar-Drone-Truck-Crane for Port-less Ship, solar-wind-sail energy, propulsion, Hbat energy storage photo-electrolysis H2O to H2.
SANDAQUASUB is a submersive Sandaquaship/Sandaeroship, a modular submarine that converts to a floating aqua ship, Sandaquaship, or buoyant aero ship, Sandaeroship, by managing content composition of modular carbon cube-sphere Sandaeroblocks, water/hydrogen/oxygen in liquid/gas states, using sub-body/cable-float solar-wind-wave energy for photo-electrolysis of water to store energy, generate buoyancy and fuel cell recombination to regenerate energy/propulsion.
Sandaquaships 2-3 use Sandaeroblock 3 triangular base keel units placed in water, partially filled with water (later water pumped out and air pumped in and sealed); than Sandaeroblock 2 rectangular units piled up, using Sandaeroship crane, with electronic magnetic/vacuum/latches clicked in; external front/back/center panoramic elevator and stairway added; back module units containing electric propellers added. All individually floatable air/aqua sealed slide door carbon modules can be assembled, disassembled, expanded or reduced in minutes or hours.