Sandaeroblock is a modular-carbon structured/monoblock non-pressurized or pressurized (cold or hot air/gas wall and/or interior pressure for increase in structural strength, weight reduction and buoyancy), with/without energy/propulsive components (fixed Sandaeroship/Sandaeronet). Sandaquablock is a modular structural block filled with water/liquid for construction and/or reserve/tank.

Cube-Diamond configuration with 100 to 450 Celsius pressurized halogen lamp hot air (additional lift capacity: steam: 100% to 0%; helium:150% to 65%; hydrogen:275% to 80%; cube-sphere:+300%; cube:+600%). Zero weight Sandaeroblocks of carbon/graphene can be formed with H2 and/or H2O Vapor Sandaeroinflas enveloping for unlimited structural building expansion. 4D HAI self-driven mono/multi modular aero-aqua-terra propulsive.

Individual non-pressurized Sandaeroblocks can have multiple applications: Sandaerohome, Sandaerostore, Sandaeroffice, Sandaerofarm, Sandaerokitch, Sandaeroclinic, Sandaerofac (mass-flex/3D printing factory) etc. All Sandaeroblocks can be equipped with aqua/air pump/heater and halogen lamp heater and aqua/air sealed all side sliding doors. Single or multi module building-platforms on air, space, water and/or land, combining modules to expand existing buildings or to build new ones (with additional lifting units added for structure, mobility, energy and/or sanitation). The Sandaeroship module may be simplified to reduce cost and weight (removing components such as propellers, rockets, compressors, generators etc). Keeping full components allows for more efficient wind, location, energy, sanitation and communication management. A building made totally or partially of Sandaeroblocks may be self relocated to a lower cost parking place or towed by a Sandaeroship if mobility components were removed. Sandaeroblocks can be used for unlimited horizontal and/or vertical expansion of buildings to land/water/air/space and anchored to the ground.
(0.333 kg/m2 2/2 carbon and/or glass fiber + resin: US$15m2 wholesale/manufacturer price)

Sandaeroblock 1 - BlackBlock (cube-diamond)

Mono/Multi Modules: 10 to 100 meter cube side.
Cube Side: 10; 20; 50; 100 m.
Cube Pilars: 14, 26, 38, 50 units.
Cube Area: 88.80; 328.19; 1195.59; 3143.15 m2.
Cube Volume:4.4; 16.33; 59.66; 157.00 m3.
Cube Weight: 29.57; 109.29; 398.13; 1046.67 kg.
Diamond Area: 173.17; 692,68; 4330.88; 17323,52 m2.
Diamond Volume: 166.66; 1333.34; 20833.33; 166666.68m3.

Diamond Weight: 57.67; 230.66; 1442.18; 5768.73 kg.
Diamond Lift: 133; 1067; 16672; 133376 kg.
(Ground Air at 25 Celsius/1.2g/m3; Hot Air at 100 to 450Celsius/0.95kg/m3 to 0.49kg/m3) (additional lift capacity: steam: 100% to 0%; helium:150% to 65%; hydrogen:275% to 80%; cube-sphere:+300%; cube:+600%)
Total Weight: 87.24; 339,95 ; 1840.31; 6815,40 kg.
Cube-Diamond Cost: US$ 3565; 21248; 182880; 531520.
Module Price: US$ 5950; 19950; 159950; 495950.

Sandaeroblock 2 - BlackContainer (rectangular)

Structured block (sliding doors on all sides).
Sides: 2,5 x 2,5 x 5 meters.
Pilars: 2.5m (6 units) x 2.5m (4 units) x 5m (4 units) (square side 0.1m).
Pilar Area: 18.10m2.
Side Area: 62.50m2.
Total Area: 80.60m2.
Volume: 31.25 m3.
Weight: 26.84 kg.
Cost: US$ 1397.
Price: US$ 1995.

Pressurized monoblock (sliding doors on all sides).
Allows for bigger pile-up per structural mass
Sides: 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 meters.
Total Area: 62.50m2.
Volume: 31.25 m3.
Weight: 20.81 kg.
Cost: US$ 1117.
Price: US$ 1595.

Sandaeroblock 3 - BlackRoom (triangular)

Fit inside Sandaeroblock 1 cube-diamonds.
Pilar structured and/or pressurized monoblock (sliding doors on all sides).
Mono/Multi Modules: 5 to 50 meter triangle side.
Triangle Side: 5; 10; 25; 50 m.
Triangle height: 2.5 m
Triangle pilars: 9, 12, 15, 18 units
Pilar area (structured): 4.18; 7.60; 17.84; 56.45 m2.
Triangle area (monoblock): 67.68; 185.66; 838.40; 2926.78 m2.
Total area (structured): 71.86; 193.26; 856.24; 2983.23 m2
Triangle volume: 169.20; 464.15; 2096.00; 7316.95 m3.
Triangle weight (monoblock): 22.33; 61.83; 279.19; 974.62 kg.
Pilar weight (structured): 1.39; 2.53; 5.94; 18.80 kg.
Total weight (structured): 23.72; 64.36; 285.13; 993.42 kg.
Triangle cost: US$ 1117; 2899; 12576; 44748.
Module price (monoblock): US$ 2295; 3595; 16395; 57950.
Module price (structured): US$ 2995; 4495; 19995; 69950.

Sandaeroblock 4 - BlackBall (cube-sphere / sphere)

Mono/Multi Modules: 10 to 100 meter cube side.
Cube Side: 10; 20; 50; 100 m.
Cube Pilars: 14, 26, 38, 50 units.
Cube Area: 88.80; 328.19; 1195.59; 3143.15 m2.
Cube Volume:4.4; 16.33; 59.66; 157.00 m3.
Cube Weight: 29.57; 109.29; 398.13; 1046.67 kg.
Sphere Area: 314.16; 1256.64; 7853.98; 31415.90 m2.
Sphere Volume: 523.60; 4188.79; 65449.80; 523599.00m3.
Sphere Weight: 104.62; 418.43; 2615.38; 10461.49 kg.
Sphere Lift: 419; 3352; 52378; 419024 kg.
Total Weight: 87.24; 339,95 ; 1840.31; 6815,40 kg.
Cube-Sphere Cost: US$ 6312; 25965; 137165; 547165.
Module Price: US$ 7950; 29950; 195950; 795950.

Sandaeroblock 5 - BlackCube (cube)

Pressurized monoblock
Allows for bigger pile-up per structural mass
Mono/Multi Modules: 10 to 100 meter cube side.
Cube Side: 10; 20; 50; 100 m.
Cube Area: : 600; 2400; 15000; 60000 m2.
Cube Volume: 1000; 8000; 125000; 1000000 m3.
Cube Weight: 199.80; 799.20; 4995; 19980 kg.
Cube Lift: 800; 6400; 100034; 800273 kg..
Cube Cost: US$ 9000; 36000; 225000; 900000.
Module Price: US$ 9950; 39950; 295950; 995950.

Graphene with one layer of carbon atoms weighs 0.77mg/m2 and 1000 layers can form a network of less than 1g/m2 or less than 100g/m2 with resin, versus 300g/m2 of carbon fiber with resin. Cost/price/weight can be divided by at least 3 using Graphene.

Sandaeroblock structure can be mounted with plastic polymer tubes/connectors (as CPVC for water sanitation) reinforced with carbon fiber.

Wall/floor/ceiling can combine a metalized polymer (as Bopet) first, carbon fiber fabric/resin second and glass fiber/resin third, combining horizontal and vertical bi-axial wrapping.

Same blackout composite material or translucent glass/polymer doors/windows can be added depending on the application (cargo/passenger, home/office, retail/kitchen/industry or agriculture/pisciculture).

The tubes can be used for sanitation water, energy wiring and/or connecting structural composite/steel wires.

The interior and/or wall/ceiling/floor can be temporarily or permanently pressurized with gases (air, vapor and/or hydrogen) or used as water reservoir, to decrease/increase weight and/or add structural strength.


12 Sandaeroblock 3 units/rooms
in 3 floor pile-up added

10 m

10 m
Residential/commercial Sandaeroblock 1 pyramid pile-up.
Residential/commercial Sandaeroblock 2 pyramid pile-up.

Cube, Cube-Diamond and/or Cube-Sphere configuration with 100 to 450 Celsius pressurized halogen lamp hot air (additional lift capacity: steam: 100% to 0%; helium:150% to 65%; hydrogen:275% to 80%; cube-sphere:+300%; cube:+600%).