Sandaerocopter is a specialized multicopter-only module that can be combined with other Sandaerocopters, Sandaeorockets (rocket-only) and/or Sandaeroships (hybrid multicopter-rocket-airship).
Configuration with 6 full side propellers centered in the cube without diamond or with 6 x 4 corner propellers attached on the inside of cube-diamond (filled with helium, hydrogen or pressurized hot air). Sandaerocopters can be attached on the inside and/or outside corners of larger Sandaerocopters, Sandaerockets or Sandaeroships.
6 or 24 top/bottom/side propellers for vertical/horizontal movement, solar film, computer flight control, batteries, biofuel tank, electric motors and generator. Cube-diamond structure carrying electric wiring to encircled propellers (ducted fan) attached in corners or cube centered propellers.
All modules have maglev (magnetic levitation) retractable spherical wheels/buoys positioned in the inferior center of sides, and air hover retractable skirt to involve the inferior propellers, for all direction aqua-terrestrial movement and parking.
All modules have anti-collision system: permanent inflatable cube structure, protected propeller blades, activated external/internal air bags, retrorockets, multi angular ballistic parachute progressive system, lidar (laser beams), radar (electromagnetic waves) and sonar (sound waves) detection / navigation (this anti-collision system can/should be used by all current or future aircrafts).
Multi-module configurations, attached by physical, magnetic and/or vacuum latches, can carry any quantity of cargo and/or passengers:
Sandaerodrone is a one or more module configuration with no-pilot that can transport equipment (cameras/sensors), passengers or cargo.
Sandaerosurf is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration for pilot standing up with feet/hand maneuvering.
Sandaerowing is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration for pilot laying down.
Sandaerobike is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration with pilot/passenger sitting in one line.
Sandaerocar is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration with pilot/passengers sitting in two lines.
Sandaerobus is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration with pilot/passengers sitting in three or more lines.
Sandaerotruck is a one or more module rectangular or cross configuration with pilot/cargo in one or more lines.
Configuration with 6 x 4 corner propellers attached on the inside of cube-diamond .
Sandaerocopters can be attached on the inside and/or outside corners of larger Sandaerocopters, Sandaerockets or Sandaeroships.
Configuration with 6 full side propellers centered in the cube with diamond or sphere internal format.
Modular Cube-Diamond and/or Cube-Sphere configuration with all corner propellers.
Air and/or impeller-compressor air flux to above wing-flaps. Centered/top/bottom; fully vertical on vertical ascent/descent and perpendicular movement; tilted on same direction movement or angular ascent/descent.