SANDAEROBOT, digital-cyber Avatarbot, self/remote/internal controlled 4D HAI Human Artificial Intelligence, lidar/radar/sonar/camera self/remote/tele-driving adds the dimension of TIME, looking at past+present data to extrapolate future defensive scenarios. Avatarbot can replicate Human remote control, contain a Human pilot or be self controlled. Neurobot bio-cyber HAI, Human Artificial Intelligence, dual-mitotic organs exoskeleton split, regeneration, reduplication, allows donation of half of organs/body to originating DNA Human, cell banking, IUI, and organ/Life incubation. Abot structure, dependent digital-cyber Avatarbot, remotely or internally operated by Human, plus bio-components, makes a Nbot, independent analog bio-cyber Neurobot, that can supplement its bio-cell donor with one of its dual-sets of cells, tissues, organs, as a personal doctor-bot, multi-functional and voluntary relantionship companion. HAI Avatarbot suit-bot internal, remote, limited task self control empowers all Humans to compete/replace AI bots. HAI Neurobot doctor-bot-citizen twin/relative/clone dual bio-cyber donating structure adds bio/autonomy to Avatarbot.

Internal/remote/self-control/driving robot paradigm enhances Human capacity instead of replacing it:
Abot-Avatar-Cyber-Exoskeleton; Nbot-Neural-Bio-Cyber-Exoskeleton;Obot-Omni-Horizontal-Vertical-Mobile-Chair. Obot/Ocar/Olife: Obot is an Ocar (Omni all direction cube-sphere) mobile chair that can recline fully horizontal or stand fully vertical for internal (strap-on safety belt), remote or self control. Olife is an Ocar/Obot with full PLM, Permanent Life Module. Abot/Acar/Alife: Abot is an Acar (Aero Ocar with additional buoyant Dcar modules) mobile Avatar exoskeleton (compacted/slimmed Obot to mimic human skeleton). Alife is an Acar with an Abot with full PLM, Permanent Life Module, compacted/slimmed to fit Abot exoskeleton.
Nbot/Ncar/Nlife: Nbot is an Ncar (Neuro Ocar with additional bio-neural network computing/cell bank) independent Abot Avatar exoskeleton (compacted/slimmed Obot to mimic human skeleton) with additional bio-cells/tissues/organs, capable of dual mitotic donation of 1/2 of bio-cyber body to DNA donor human. Nlife is an Ncar with an Nbot, bio-cyber doctor-donor.

Neurotron-Neurobot replaces/complements digital software/hardware, programming, programmers with video-audio-text-acting analog direct flow teaching, learning as its done for Humans. Programmed digital-cyber, HAI Human Artificial Intelligence, self/remote control Avatarbot can be used in self mode for repetitive easier, discrete, pre-defined tasks, assisted/complemented by Humans and/or Neurobots for analog free-flow self-learning and open/uncertain problems/goals. Avatarbot is a digital cyber, basic self-control AI, Human remote-control or Human inside operated, while Neurobot is an analog bio-cyber, creative self-replicating, dual-mitotic, doctor-bot that can donate half-body to the originating DNA Human.

SANDAEROPRINT, 3D CBC-PAL TELEPORT, Ciber-Bio-Quimo Impressora-Linha de Montagem 3 Dimensões Tele-Transporte, enviando cópia 3D ao invés do original, com impressão/montagem em câmara no espaço exterior ou líquida com gravidade/peso zero/baixo. Macro Impressora 3D de Laser/Processamento de Luz Digital para produzir em massa Sandaeroblocks de Grafeno.

SANDAEROLOT, propriedade locacional sólida, líquida, gasosa, quântica de estacionamento em terra, água, atmosfera ou espaço, para um Sandaerobot, Sandaeroprint, Sandaeroblock, Sandaeronet, Sandaeroship ou qualquer estrutura móvel/imóvel de qualquer natureza dentro ou em órbita de um planeta, lua, asteróide ou cometa.

Sandaerocar Ocar can be anywhere on Earth or any planet/satellite in seconds with Sandaeroscreen 360 Oscreen used to project light speed image and remotely pilot/operate Ocar or any robot/equipment that is already there. Light-speed laser communication is delayed by minutes, limiting real time intra-stellar Venus/Mars remote controlled bots for example. Laser split entangles photons with gravitons allowing quasi-instant communication +3 billion km/sec. Gravitons orbit photons and space-time is mainly of field of gravitons. Collapse/movement of an entangled photon can be recorded quasi-instantaneously and translated to a binary code 0/1 for example, generating communication. That information does not have to be communicated by observer by under light speed communication, because the change is the quasi-instantaneous communication.

Um pacote Lunar, por exemplo, pode ser pré-vendido (LunBot, LunLot, LunBlock em LunCity) para indivíduos e/ou organizações para financiar a sua ocupação remota. Qualquer pessoa na Terra poderia encomendar, começando a US$995 (Terra), Macro ou Mini Sandaerobot de produção e controle remoto em colônia em outro planeta ou lua, ou mesmo em colônias oceânicas, desérticas, montanhosas, florestais, árticas, antárticas, atmosféricas ou espaciais na órbita terrestre. Haverá redução maciça no custo com colonização intra/inter planetária (Antártica, Lua, Vênus, Marte, Europa, Titan etc), usando materiais locais e informações de montagem/comando transmitidas por comunicação laser fotônica atrasada interplanetária (em tempo real intraplanetário ou lunar) (SOLASER) ou gravitônica interplanetária em tempo real (UNIQUA).

Haverá um Sistema de Colonização Total Remota, onde milhões de exploradores/colonizadores remotos podem ser enviados a muitos planetas/luas com exploração e colonização de oceanos, montanhas, florestas, desertos, atmosfera, espaço, pólos (Antártica e Ártico) da Terra; Lua, Vênus, Marte, outros planetas e luas intra/inter solares, como Europa (Júpiter) e Titan (Saturno) . Pré-venda de Sandaerobots, Sandaerolots, Sandaeroblocks de baixo custo pode financiar Sandaeroships e Sandaeroprinters de custo mais elevado, para produção na Terra, Lua, Vênus, Marte, Europa, Titan etc.

Robôs Macro, Mini, Micro e Nano aero-aqua-terrestres podem ter múltiplas aplicações, incluindo construção/manutenção externa/interna de qualquer natureza, aplicação médica de micro/nano robôs para Paradigma, Protocolo e Produto de Vida Permanente do Sistema Médico Móvel Global (, como cirurgia micro/nano, suplementação do sistema imunológico e Super Célula bio cibernética.

Past/present life in the Solar Federation outside Earth is possible/not probable. Future life is possible and probable. Mini-Miner-Bot Laser-Sail-Ship can introduce life (cyanobacteria/algae/greens) and claim
1 km2 Land/Water/Aero/Space housing/mining/researching lots on Moon, Venus, Mars, Europa, Titan, Asteroids etc.


